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Collection Studio 4.76

[ Datum: 31 Mai 2024 ]


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Mai 29

U.S. Dollar ReDe$ign

With a new President of United States, Barack Obama, a lot of peoples wait for changes. People say what this country needs is a new vision, a new purpose, something to believe, something to HOPE for, something to CHANGE on a very simple level. Most people already make these small steps for the better future. Between them - Richard Smith, a creative strategy consultant who specializes in transforming brands into wants and desires. He has created a very interested project - "Dollar ReDe$ign Project": It seems so obvious to Richard that the ‘only’ realistic way for a swift economic recovery is through a thorough, in-depth, rebranding scheme – starting with the redesign of the iconic US Dollar – He thinks, "it’s the ‘only’ pragmatic way to add some realistic stimulation into our lives!"

With his web-site he collects good samples of the dollar redesign submitted by his like-minded designers. There are some good works and some not:

These designs are NOT legal tender.

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Posted by serge, 29 Mai 2009. Post has 0 comments.
bill dollar redesign United States


Mai 18

International Museum Day

On this day, 18th May, we celebrate International Museum Day that is held each year since 1977. The event provides the opportunity for museum professionals to meet the public and alert them to the challenges that museums face if they are to be - as in the ICOM (International Council of Museums) definition of museums - "an institution in the service of society and of its development". Most of museums on this day are open with free admission hours.

1000000 Rubles banknote with National Belorussian Museum of Art in Minsk

Posted by serge, 18 Mai 2009. Post has 0 comments.
banknote Belarus museum rouble


Mai 15

Hairless presidents

In spite of today is not a World Cancer Day, we'd like to post following photoshop contest, created by tebe-interesno livejournal member from Russian Federation.

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Posted by serge, 15 Mai 2009. Post has 0 comments.
banknote collage Photoshop United States


Mai 8

Baseball Cards: The Great American Hobby?

Hey, Zach WestRasmus here, He is a teen living in Boston, when his heart is in New York. He has been a life long baseball fan, and he loves the Yankees! He is not happy with the way baseball is today (cough* hehatebudselig*cough). Here is story about his hobby written by himself.


Nice Zachary's photo

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Posted by serge, 8 Mai 2009. Post has 0 comments.
baseball card hobby


April 30

Souvenir Photography of Michael Hughes

When most people go to a landmark or tourist attraction, they take home a little souvenir to remind them of their trip. Then there's Michael Hughes. He loves to take pictures of the world's famous landmarks - perfectly blended with cheap souvenirs.

Born in Britain and now living in Germany, 56-year-old Michael Hughes is a freelance photographer. Hughes started this hobby back in 1998 and has accumulated a rich collection of over 100 fun images using this blending technique in 200 countries he visited.

"I noticed coffee cups from a shop near the Statue of Liberty had the statue printed on it, so I poured my drink on the floor, and positioned it in front of the statue. Since then, taking the pictures has developed into a hobby and a passion to the point where I have been taking trips recently just to photograph a souvenir next to its landmark".

Michael, who travels extensively with his job, said the hobby has progressed into a 'sport with its own rules': He arrives at the destination, visits the nearest souvenir and buys the cheapest souvenir. Michael then takes up to 50 photographs with a wide angle lens on a digital camera until he has the ornament positioned in exact proportion to the landmark.

Statue of Liberty, New York, USA

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Posted by serge, 30 April 2009. Post has 2 comments.
photo sightseeing souvenir travel


April 25

CollectionStudio Review by techline.hu (Hungary)

Collection Studio was reviewed by biggest Hungarian software portal - techline.hu. Here it is:

Aki szereti gyűjtögetni a filmeket, könyveket és ki tudja még, mi minden mást, annak igencsak jól jöhet a Collection Studio program, amellyel akárhány katalógust kezelhetünk.

Sokunknak a mai napig nem sikerült hátrahagyni az ősemberre jellemző gyűjtögető életmódot. Mindent elteszünk, megőrzünk, mert hát jó lesz az még valamire. Ez a megállapítás az apróbb kacatokra, könyvekre éppúgy igaz, mint az érmékre vagy éppen a számítógépes adatokra. Az utóbbiak esetében addig viszonylag egyszerű dolgunk van, amíg a számítógép merevlemezén foglalnak helyet, de amint CD/DVD-re kerülnek és a korongok felhalmozódnak, már korántsem olyan egyszerű a dolgunk, ha szeretnénk megtalálni valamit. Ilyen esetekben vesszük jó hasznát egy remek katalogizáló szoftvernek, amelynek a segítségével rendezhetjük sorainkat.

Új gyűjtemény létrehozása

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Posted by developers, 25 April 2009. Post has 1 comments.
CS feature review


April 23

World Book Day

On this day, 23th April, all our book collectors celebrate World Book Day.

This yearly event on April 23 was organized in 1995 by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) to promote reading, publishing and copyrights. The history of this day is very interesting: the date is anniversary of the birth and death of William Shakespeare, the death of Inca Garcilaso de la Vega and Josep Pla, the birth of Maurice Druon, Vladimir Nabokov and other world famous writers and scholars. Although 23 April is often stated as the anniversary of the deaths of both William Shakespeare and Miguel de Cervantes, but this is not strictly correct. Cervantes died on 23 April according the Gregorian calendar; however, at this time England still used the Julian calendar. Whilst Shakespeare died on 23 April by the Julian calendar in use in his own country at the time, actually he died ten days after Cervantes, because of the discrepancy between the two date systems. This correspondence of the two dates was a fortunate coincidence for UNESCO.

Posted by serge, 23 April 2009. Post has 0 comments.


April 22

In God We Trust

Today, 22-th April, but in 1864 – The U.S. Congress passed the Coinage Act, authorizing the minting of a two-cent coin, the first U.S. coin to bear the phrase "In God We Trust".

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April 21

Matchboxes from the Subcontinent

English expat Matt Lee shares his extensive collection of matchboxes from India where he coordinates the Foundation Art & Design program and lectures in the Visual Communication program at the Srishti School of Art, Design & Technology in Bangalore.

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Posted by serge, 21 April 2009. Post has 0 comments.
Bangalore collector design India matchbox


April 20


Hello, I'm Serge - coordinator of this web-site; I welcome you to our collectors' corner of the web. Here you will find some interesting reviews, a lot of amazing posts, world or regional events and more stuff about collecting, about collections and of course about collectors.

This blog at collectionstudio.com was created by a small community as one part of the collectionstudio.com. All project participants are collectors; that is why we feel all collectors' demands and wishes. That's why we do our best to create our collecting software, collectors tools and all other services for collectors.

We know - a lot of people collect everything and everywhere they are. Here, at blogs section, we just want to accumulate at least a small percent of that collectors stuff and show you the spirit which comes from this kind of hobby. Let's enjoy time on our site and try to answer how can the hobby like collecting be any fun?

Also, with this blog we will try to expose you future steps of CollectionStudio development, we will show some attractive features in our collection software and some interesting backstage events of its development.

Posted by serge, 20 April 2009. Post has 3 comments.
CS welcome


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