eingetragener Benutzer
4 Nachrichten
26 Januar 2009 12:50
zuletzt geändert am 31 Januar 2009 10:55
Recently, I have changed my OS to Linux (Fedora 10, GNOME).
Scince that there are huge problems running CS 3.51 with Wine or CrossOver Office over Linux.
The "main window ("My Collection)" grid is not seen at all.
Any ideas?
Recently, I have changed my OS to Linux (Fedora 10, GNOME).
Scince that there are huge problems running CS 3.51 with Wine or CrossOver Office over Linux.
The "main window ("My Collection)" grid is not seen at all.
Any ideas?
Entwickler Gruppe
130 Nachrichten
27 Januar 2009 15:23
[quote=aronovda]Recently, I have changed my OS to Linux (Fedora 1, GNOME).
Scince that there are huge problems running CS 3.51 with Wine or CrossOver Office over Linux.
The "main window ("My Collection)" grid is not seen at all.
Any ideas?[/quote]Can you post here a screen shot of the main window with this problem? It will be perfect if you will generate several screen shots: one for empty list and another one for filled - for example "Countries" view. Than we will try to continue our research... 8|
aronovda Recently, I have changed my OS to Linux (Fedora 1, GNOME).
Scince that there are huge problems running CS 3.51 with Wine or CrossOver Office over Linux.
The "main window ("My Collection)" grid is not seen at all.
Any ideas? Can you post here a screen shot of the main window with this problem? It will be perfect if you will generate several screen shots: one for empty list and another one for filled - for example "Countries" view. Than we will try to continue our research...
eingetragener Benutzer
4 Nachrichten
29 Januar 2009 12:43
zuletzt geändert am 30 Januar 2009 10:30
Thanks for your fast response.
Please, see the attached image. Unfortunately, "main windows" always looks empty. It does not matter on which tab it stays.
Thanks for your fast response.
Please, see the attached image. Unfortunately, "main windows" always looks empty. It does not matter on which tab it stays.
Entwickler Gruppe
130 Nachrichten
30 Januar 2009 08:04
There is no attaches in your message. Can you try to post it once again (I think you have forgot to press "Upload" button on the web form)?
By the way, can you see the list of translators in "About" box? And can you see the history of status in the "Collectible Edit" dialog on its "Status" tab?
There is no attaches in your message. Can you try to post it once again (I think you have forgot to press "Upload" button on the web form)?
By the way, can you see the list of translators in "About" box? And can you see the history of status in the "Collectible Edit" dialog on its "Status" tab?
Entwickler Gruppe
130 Nachrichten
30 Januar 2009 08:26
Oh, as I can see the image was linked not attached.
Here it is.

1.jpg (43.07 Kb)
eingetragener Benutzer
4 Nachrichten
Entwickler Gruppe
130 Nachrichten
3 Februar 2009 17:47
[quote=aronovda]Yes I can see both, list of translators and history of status.[/quote]That means a custom drawing procedure works fine... We will install SuSe with Wine or CrossOver Office and will make some additional tests. Hope we will find the problem in debug and fix it soon. By the way did this problem occur under emulator with some older version of CollectionStudio? Or it was first attempt to use it under emulator in Linux?
aronovda Yes I can see both, list of translators and history of status. That means a custom drawing procedure works fine... We will install SuSe with Wine or CrossOver Office and will make some additional tests. Hope we will find the problem in debug and fix it soon. By the way did this problem occur under emulator with some older version of CollectionStudio? Or it was first attempt to use it under emulator in Linux?
4 Februar 2009 07:05
[quote=developers]By the way did this problem occur under emulator with some older version of CollectionStudio? Or it was first attempt to use it under emulator in Linux?[/quote]
WINE — Wine Is [b]Not[/b] Emulator ;)
developers By the way did this problem occur under emulator with some older version of CollectionStudio? Or it was first attempt to use it under emulator in Linux?
WINE — Wine Is Not Emulator
Entwickler Gruppe
130 Nachrichten
4 Februar 2009 08:21
The name 'Wine' derives from the recursive acronym "Wine Is Not an Emulator". Very finny! :)
Of course, WINE — is [b]not emulator[/b], because it [b]can not correctly emulate[/b] all Windows API functions as they were implemented in Windows. Elsewhere we will have the same look of our software under Linux too. ;)
In a 2007 survey by of 38,500 Linux desktop users, ~30% of respondents reported using Wine to run Windows applications. This plurality was larger than all virtualization programs combined, as well as larger than the ~27% who reported not running Windows applications. So, it seems we are not alone with our problem...
The name 'Wine' derives from the recursive acronym "Wine Is Not an Emulator". Very finny!
Of course, WINE — is not emulator, because it can not correctly emulate all Windows API functions as they were implemented in Windows. Elsewhere we will have the same look of our software under Linux too. 
In a 2007 survey by of 38,500 Linux desktop users, ~30% of respondents reported using Wine to run Windows applications. This plurality was larger than all virtualization programs combined, as well as larger than the ~27% who reported not running Windows applications. So, it seems we are not alone with our problem...
eingetragener Benutzer
4 Nachrichten
4 Februar 2009 12:00
[quote=developers] By the way did this problem occur under emulator with some older version of CollectionStudio? Or it was first attempt to use it under emulator in Linux?[/quote]
It was my first attemp to use CS under emulator on Linux. I have tried the last version of Wine and CrossOver office programs.
developers By the way did this problem occur under emulator with some older version of CollectionStudio? Or it was first attempt to use it under emulator in Linux?
It was my first attemp to use CS under emulator on Linux. I have tried the last version of Wine and CrossOver office programs.