Feature Requests - Collection Studio - Sammler-Software

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Collection Studio 4.76

[ Datum: 31 Mai 2024 ]

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Feature Requests

9 November 2007 13:28
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Your program is good, the best I have found so far, but it can be made even better, with a few enhancements. I have begun a thread to get suggestions. Hopefully other users will also make suggestions.


- A back/forward option in the edit screen rather than closing an item and opening the next;

- Ability to display the images placed in country;

- Ability to add month and day to the emission date field;

- Adding a Signatory field to the Banknote Information Tab;

- Duplicate button will duplicate the banknote BUT would add the note with the next Index Number. (This would be useful when you have the same note with minor changes such as signature or release date.

Minor cosmetic suggestions for English Release:

- Income should be changed to Purchased. Example income date field should be renamed Purchased so the fields would be Purchased From, Purchase Date, Purchase Information;

- I've paid for it should be Price Paid;

- I know real price should be Catalog Value;

- Emission year should be Release Year;

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10 November 2007 19:25
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Duplicate works - All I did was turn off the Auto-Index number feature. Thanks

Another couple of features could be:

a field for entering "Series" with data content such as 1993 Issue

a field for entering "Issue Bank" with data content such as Narodna Banka Hrvatske

Thnaks Again,


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11 November 2007 19:55
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Enhancement - Add Landscape & Portrait to orientation. Example the Croatia 1 Dinar 1991 UNC note is one one side landscape the reverse is portrait.
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13 November 2007 19:30
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Can you allow ? or ? in the banknote Face Vale instead of entering 0.25. (Example the Iraq P-77 has a face value of ? Dinar)

For currency Price and Value can you add more decimal places. Currently a value of $4.50 is displayed as $4.5.


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15 Dezember 2007 17:20
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Can you allow for full ASCII input in the serial number field. Current if you try to use Cyrillic or Arabic or Japanese or any other fonts than regular characters, it will convert to a question mark. Also can there be a way to allow for manual addition of flag icons. I have several countries that are not showing up and these are just a variation of countries now in existence or they are counties that are very old and out of existence and still have no flag icon. Can a View be added for each continent like was added for Europe? Can a print option be added that includes options to print pics with other info or thumbnails of the pics for quick reference? Thanks :D
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26 Januar 2008 20:35
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Hi, Good enhancements so far. Good to see that you listen to your users.


1). Some of my notes have portrait and lanndscape such as Croatia and Georgia. Please add Portrait/Landscape as one of the choices for Orientation.

2). The ability to make multiple changes. Example I change the storage from book 1 to book 2 and wish to change 17 notes. The idea would be to select multiple notes and have the application open to an "empty" type of record and what ever fields and only those fields that I type changes too are updated in the selected records.

3). Backup option that automatically creates a backup of the database in case of errors.

4). Some of the fields; Regional Issue, Mint, Signatory, need to be longer, allowing about 10 or more characters.

5). Please add the flags and currency images that are missing. I sent you all of these November 09, 2007.

One other item, I have entered about 650 notes and added 1 image of about 240K to each. My database file size is about 105MB, and the tab Custom field take about 30 seconds to open. My computer has 4GB RAM, Two Intel Core 2 Quad CPU's at 2.66GHz, Terrabites of Disk space in RAID 1 config, and running Win XP Pro with SP2. SO I don't believe the performance is related to my computer.



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11 Februar 2008 20:51
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Hello Cliff! Nice to hear you!

Thanks a lot for your suggestions. We will process all of them in upcoming release (hope all suggestions will be implemented :cool: )

Now we are working on complete unique feature for our users, which will help them to get info about collectibles in single click...

Nevertheless all your suggestions are very important to us.

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27 Februar 2008 23:14
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Hello Cliff, we have a small question to you about 4-th point of your list: Some of the fields; Regional Issue, Mint, Signatory, need to be longer, allowing about 10 or more characters.

Where do we need to expand these fields?

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18 Oktober 2008 13:32
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By the second import of the same database from csv-file all the objects will be added the second time. What I have to do when I want only to update the existing database? Because of I want to edit something in Excel. How can I make update by import and avoid the doubles in the db?
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23 Oktober 2008 07:32
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By the second import of the same database from csv-file all the objects will be added the second time. What I have to do when I want only to update the existing database? Because of I want to edit something in Excel. How can I make update by import and avoid the doubles in the db?

Import/Export tool was created in order to migrate to CollectionStudio and to add some new collectibles with several clicks. We didn't plan to use external tools with export/import like you said, because we have already created plugins interface to make some external processing with desired collectibles or with the whole collection. But your suggestion is very interested, we will think about this feature in next releases. Thank you for your participation.

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7 November 2008 16:39
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Can the back-scrolling of the calender for Income Date be made faster? The majority of my stamps were purchased in the 1960's and it is very tedious and annoying to do it so slowly by holding the left button of the mouse. Can you help?
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7 November 2008 17:40
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LeZouave, in such cases I'm doing following:

1) Select just date in current year (day & month)

2) When month calendar is CLOSED you can select year in edit line (it will be 2008, current year of course) and change year with keyboard arrows (up & down) or just enter date manually. This is the fastest method I know.

Maybe developers will show us something faster but I'm unsure…

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7 November 2008 21:40
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Thanks Jim. I will try your suggestion. It's a better way of getting round this problem. Thanks again.
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9 November 2008 09:03
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LeZouave: No probs. ;)
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30 Dezember 2008 13:17
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With newer release of the CollectionStudio 3.51 a lot of our users have suggested many important changes for next Studio' releases by e-mails. Here I’ll mention some of their suggestions with some developers’ comments.

… In CS there are really useful features that I want. Also, I want to print or export to a format where I can see the pictures I’ve added for my collection. For example, export as HTML or something like that...
We will add this feature in next release. So it will be possible to export into HTML with or without images. (Separate options will be available in extensions filter during filename selection)

When I send to my friends a specific list of coins or print it for my private usage, I use “Print Screen” option, instead of the in-build Export tool, because it doesn’t support Russian letters in comments. It’s not so useful, it’s incontinent

Thank you very much for international support! We will continue to support different interface languages and support of foreign languages in any input, including mentioned here “Comments” field.

Could you please tell me how can I add flags images for countries that are not listed in the CollectionStudio ver. 3.50? I am talking about such countries as South Vietnam, French Indochina etc.
Unfortunately we have no such ability to use external flags for countries. But we will try to add it in a nearest future. With Image feature of the item in CS, we will add additional image types which will be used for such purposes.

I did a detailed test for custom collections that I use for tracking sands and below there are some my remarks and comments:

1. Custom fields not working at all for custom collections

Custom collection already uses a list of custom fields, so it doesn’t require any other (5 custom fields) fields which are available for "standard" collectibles.

2. Images properties: please allow more entries than “Face” and “Back” and “Face and back” for image type. One can add a new status for a current image, but this status disappears when trying to attribute it to other images”
We will check it in next release.

3. It would be nice to have country flags also for “country fields” in custom collections, as well as for contacts;
We will add them in next release.

4. It would be nice to display more info about contacts, e.g. City, Address etc.
There are a lot of fields that are inaccessible in the main list. All of them should be used in the list – it is an our main aim for next 3.52 release.
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30 Dezember 2008 18:21
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With newer release of the CollectionStudio 3.51 a lot of our users have suggested many important changes for next Studio' releases by e-mails. Here I’ll mention some of their suggestions with some developers’ comments.

Serge, thank you for your reply and comments, it's always nice to know that you're listening to your users. ;)

Custom collection already uses a list of custom fields, so it doesn’t require any other (5 custom fields) fields which are available for "standard" collectibles.

Serge, it'd be useful though having the custom fields activated for contacts and countries, since the custom feature refers only to collection itself (that's actually what I meant). For contacts for example, we (sand collectors) love sometimes to record the "reliability" of our trading partners using a kind of rating system: is he/she a serious collector, how's the quality of traded samples, is replying fast and many others... All these could be of course recorded as comments, the only problem is with displaying all this info at once, and that's where the custom fields might help.

Well, wish you all a Happy New Year. May that 2009 bring many new items in your (custom or standard) collections!


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