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[ release date: May 31, 2024 ]


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Blog: Coins or tokens for brothels

February 10

Coins or tokens for brothels

During archeological research in Pompeii a set of Roman tokens – spintria – was found, usually depicting sexual acts or symbols:

Spintriae from Pompeii

There were usually struck from brass or bronze, and were little smaller than a U.S. quarter. Spintriae may have been used to pay prostitute, who at times spoke a different language. While this is subject to argument, the numbers on them line up with known prices for Roman prostitutes. Some theorize them gaming tokens, and they may have been produced for only a short period, probably in the 1st century A.D.

Spintriae are a popular target of collecting and depending on the condition have a high auction price. Because of its relevance to the numismatic market, beware of huge modern forgery.

See more spintriae in details.

Posted by serge, February 10, 2010. Post has 3 comments.
Roman Empire token


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Lee Bowen
July 14, 2010 08:17
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This article mentions fake spintriae. Is it possible to purchase these, not defraud anyone, just for the novelty of owning a set?
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serge profile
July 20, 2010 09:23
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Unfortunately we have no information about sellers who can help you with 100% of compliance. Try to search in the web... If you will succeeded in the search, it will be very interested how much you have paid and what you have got!
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May 31, 2020 12:59
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Немного другое изображение, оригинал, найденный мной лично. Если вдруг интересно, можно обсудить. Что известно мне лично, что это абонемент в публичный дом на месяц - какой именно, не знаю. Вешались как кулоны, бывали с зеркальцем с обратной стороны. Если интересно, по запросу фото могу прислать.
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