Registered user
49 messages
May 14, 2008 10:44
Yeah, having custom collections is a good idea. :!:
I'm collecting phone cards and interested in Collection Studio for them. Is it possible?
Yeah, having custom collections is a good idea.
I'm collecting phone cards and interested in Collection Studio for them. Is it possible?
Developers group
189 messages
May 15, 2008 12:11
Jim and Catalin, thanks you, that you point us on important features for Collection Studio. We appreciate it. The research and development of the custom collectible is already started but we are not sure that this feature will be available in the next Collection Studio release - 2.48 ([i]approx. start of June 2008[/i]). Even if it will be released, it will be just the first version of the functionality, and it may be not so really powerful for tracking [b]fully custom[/b] collections. In any case, let’s see what we will have. Rome was not built in one day...
Jim and Catalin, thanks you, that you point us on important features for Collection Studio. We appreciate it. The research and development of the custom collectible is already started but we are not sure that this feature will be available in the next Collection Studio release - 2.48 (approx. start of June 2008). Even if it will be released, it will be just the first version of the functionality, and it may be not so really powerful for tracking fully custom collections. In any case, let’s see what we will have. Rome was not built in one day...
Developers group
130 messages
June 28, 2008 10:04
[quote=Jim][b]serge[/b]: Thanks for information. Waiting for release :)[/quote]
I'd like to make a notice that we have release our first version of custom collectible in Collection Studio. Hope it will be suitable for general your needs in your collectibles. Elsewhere we would like to include additional improvements asap, just write us an e-mail message or post it on our support forums.
Jim serge: Thanks for information. Waiting for release
I'd like to make a notice that we have release our first version of custom collectible in Collection Studio. Hope it will be suitable for general your needs in your collectibles. Elsewhere we would like to include additional improvements asap, just write us an e-mail message or post it on our support forums.
Registered user
49 messages
July 8, 2008 21:42
Thank you, the customizable version looks really promising. In what it concerns me, there are a couple some issues still to be fixed but once again thank you for listening to us.
Thank you, the customizable version looks really promising. In what it concerns me, there are a couple some issues still to be fixed but once again thank you for listening to us.