What's new in CollectionStudio
CS 4.76
| CS 4.75
| CS 4.74
| CS 4.73
| CS 4.72
| CS 4.71
All versions |
What's new in Collection Studio 4.76 / May 31, 2024
- Export:
- fixed: do not output year and quality twice
- fixed: output of multi line comments into CSV and CSV with semicolon separator
What's new in Collection Studio 4.75 / Aug 31, 2018
- Export: Fix of the export into RTF file format;
- Fix: Country and currency were lost during plug-in run, for example during run of the Dates Calculator plug-in (This was a common problem during call to any plug-in);
- Misc: COL file format was upgraded to next version with more compact data output;
- Fix: face value tag inside pre-defined collection types (will affect only for newly created collections using predefined collectible types);
- Automatically open "contact us" online form if any error occurs during load/save of the collection file;
What's new in Collection Studio 4.74 / Jul 29, 2018
- Update histogram view (with new sorting order) when column header in the list is clicked;
- Show map with gradient fill according to number of collectibles in each country instead of usage of 5 predefined colors; Colors of gradient and number of steps in it could be configured.
- Settings: Sounds: enhance internal mechanism for loading of sound files;
- Add spacing for long face values: 500000 dinar -> 500 000 dinar:
- during output into template view
- and inside collectible title
- Template view:
- Show a list of all collectibles for selected currency, contact and quality level
- Show a list of all collectibles for selected statistics item
- Enhanced "Comments" template view;
- Speed-up:
- sorting by number of collectibles for different views;
- sorting by country existence;
- Fixes:
- Fix: tag name mixing for face value: [face_value] and [face value];
- Fix: endless loop during open countries with collectibles that have very long face value, such as 500 000 000 000;
- Fix: link to Central Bank of Bolivia;
- Fix: reload defined colors for collectible statuses when interface language is changed;
- Fix: no assert during closing of the miscellaneous setting page caused by wrong detection of the currency selection;
- Fix: highlighting of the quality using bold font inside drop down list if this quality is used inside collection;
What's new in Collection Studio 4.73 / Jun 24, 2018
- Added new statistics views:
- European union with listing of 28 countries,
- Eurozone with listing of 19 countries.
- Added histogram for "Spend per year" statistics view;
- Added new statistics section in main statistics view;
- Country: Updated statistics table in template view: collectible year / collectible face value (nominal + currency): now you can open collectible directly from the table;
- Fixed: show correct continent map when there is no any matched country in the list for selected continent.
- Multilingual support:
- Update of
Polish translation;
What's new in Collection Studio 4.72 / Mar 31, 2016
- Collectibles:
- Added new statistics views - by year grouped with 5, 10, 25, 50 years;
- Show list of collectibles in pop up list from statistics view "by group of years" (5 / 10 / 25 / 50);
- Collectible title: add new rules for making more human readable title of the collectible;
- Export:
- Export into CSV: add column titles as first row of the export data;
- Convert all prices (catalog and buy price) into user selected currency; All prices are go with corresponding currency name;
- Set default export format as CSV;
- Fix: use default filename for the exported collection: "My collection, [current date]";
- GPS coordinate field type: add predefined shortcuts for opening GPS coordinate with ACME Mapper and Maps-For-Free online map services (previously there were only two options: Google maps and Yahoo maps);
- Multilingual support:
- Update of
Belorussian translation;
- Countries: Fix: do not rewrite already set existence years for countries;
- Statistics: show most lucky and most worst purchase;
- CollectionStudio help file: fixed internal links;
 | - Newly added feature; |
 | - Changed, reviewed, modified feature; |
 | - Feature that is under construction now and will released any time later; |
 | - Very important error or bug was fixed; |
 | - One of the reported errors or bugs was fixed. |