Many our users suggest newer flags for omitted countries in our CollectionStudio database. We always try to add them in new release. But it takes some time. Therefore our users have suggested to add possibility to manage country flags within CollectionStudio without building of the new version.
This is rather good suggestion (and we will implemented this one day); But we think that CS should have more setup for work with collectibles comparing to the work with information properties of collectible parameters. Yes, it is more convenient to have a list of countries with flags, the view is more nice-looking, but these flags add no additional information by itself.
When CollectionStudio starts, we want that our users will concentrate on the list of their collectibles or on its sampling. They need lots of fetch tools, special sort procedures, export and import, synchronization, check lists, light boxes, grouping and so on. This is a aim of each CS versions during all years that CS is available online.
Hmm, what we are talking about?... country flags! Here they are:
 A pie chart of all the colours used in all of the world's sovereign-state flags.
Using a list of countries generated by The World Factbook database, flags of countries fetched from Wikipedia (as of 26th May 2007) are analysed by a custom made python script to calculate the proportions of colours on each of them. That is then translated on to a piechart using another python script. The proportions of colours on all unique flags are used to finally generate a piechart of proportions of colours for all the flags combined.