"Mason" word on dollar bill - Collection Studio

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Blog: "Mason" word on dollar bill

18 czerwca

"Mason" word on dollar bill

"Mason" word, it is just another masonic symbolism on the dollar bill:

The ritual of Freemasonry is well endowed with symbols – things familiar that could convey a hidden meaning to those initiated. Man uses signs, pictures, emblems and words etc to convey ideas from individual to individual and some of the aforementioned lend themselves to symbolism more than others. This was especially so in the Age of Enlightenment during the 18th century.

Posted by andrew, 18 czerwca 2010. Post has 3 comments.
banknote bill dollar United States


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10 grudnia 2010 14:51
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this is very intresting the way it is on the one dollar note, the two triangles are simboling the abundence going up and the wealth coming down:

check this website for more ideas like that:<a href="http://www.globalbanknotesandcoins.com/">world paper money</a>

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Grupa deweloperska
111 komentarzy
13 grudnia 2010 08:35
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Thank you, for the link, but it is enough to place your link in "Links" sections.
  decoration   decoration
3 maja 2016 15:17
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you can also find the words "not true" if you look.
  decoration   decoration

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