Russian CPUs Collection - Collection Studio

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Blog: Russian CPUs Collection

30 lipca

Russian CPUs Collection

Largest private collection of CPUs has been discovered upon one Russian guy has posted a message on a forum. His message says "here is my humble collection for you" and then listed something more than one thousand of different types of computer processors he collected. There are ones from the old times and as well as modern ones, the lost and seemed never coming back relics of Soviet Russian genuine processors that preceded Intel world dominance and many other interesting findings he had.

"Cat Vaska," as he's known online, listed over a thousand CPUs, or so we're told (it takes long enough just scrolling through the list, let alone trying to count every chip). It's an impressive collection, to say the least, with processors dating back to the 286 era and earlier, and up to around the Pentium III, or thereabouts. He even lists a few fake chips that have been remarked.

But the oddest thing about this "high-tech" collection, is the setting of the photos, with that carpet on the wall that reminds me of my grandmother’s old home. Not really the right place for such a collection, don’t you think?

Read the full list of processors here, if you’re interested.

Posted by andrew, 30 lipca 2010. Post has 0 comments.
collection collector CPUs Russia Soviet Union


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