5 kwietnia 2010 11:51
When i put a date for my items, i only see "sunday" for each date.
Can you check this please?

date.jpg (56.94 Kb)
5 kwietnia 2010 09:38
"you will be able to see even more fields and group them using your criteria "
"full textual representation of the day of the week "
Can you tell me if you already find a solution for this ?
thank you
25 marca 2010 19:11
I have CS 3.58 now.
In my collection, i have 36 quality levels.
My problem : i don't see them in statistics with my custom collection. No items are listed into the quality statistics page. I have 0% of 0 quality.
9 lutego 2010 19:19
When i import some fields to a new container, i can see them. But when i put new items to my collection, the containers are not automaticly changed.
Is this normal?
If is it, can you make this possible?
regards from Belgium
21 stycznia 2010 17:56
OK thank you
18 stycznia 2010 20:57
Thank you very much.
18 stycznia 2010 20:45
Here the screenshot for the date problem

screenshotdate.jpg (424.13 Kb)
18 stycznia 2010 17:38
I don't know how you put a screenshot in this message, sorry.
When you open the CS and add a new item, tab collection, icome date. There, you don't see the date in a long form. I hope you anderstand wat i mean.
18 stycznia 2010 16:59
I use the 3.56 version.
I can use the tools to remove my unused countries and currencies, but when i save the program, close it an restart later, all the currenties and countries are back.
15 stycznia 2010 22:29
Form my collection of camera, I have 32 fields or more for my items, but i can just see 30 of this fields. is it possible to see all the fields.
When I chose a date, the place where you put this is not long enough to see the all date.
The quality levels are not reconised in my custom collection.
Can you tell me what i do wrong?
thank you
grts from Belgium
15 stycznia 2010 22:13
If i want to chose a country for my item, i can't scroll anymore to chose it. Currenties and quality are ok.
Can i permenently delete unused currenties and land?
thank you.
grts from Belgium