RSS - Collection Studio

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Collection Studio 4.76

[ Data: 31 maja 2024 ]

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What is RSS?

Standard RSS logo Standard RSS logo

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) — format for delivering and gathering regularly changing content from web pages. It is very popular for news sites, blogs and many other usages.

RSS will help to stay up to date about latest events on sites you are subscribed to without periodical visiting each site.

What I need to read RSS?

To read RSS feeds you need special programs, called "RSS readers", "feed readers", "aggregators" etc. Most of them are freeware. Large list of these programs you can find at Open Directory Project for different operation systems (Windows, Linux, Mac Os etc).

Moreover, you can read RSS feeds by online readers, such as Google Reader, Yahoo Pipes etc.

What can I read with RSS at

Most of modern feed readers are supporting multiple feed formats, so in most cases it does not matter what type of feed you choose in table below. But in some cases it can be important, so we provide our feeds in 3 different formats: RSS 0.91, RSS 1.0 and ATOM 0.3.

You can feel free to contact us with any problems related to retrieving feeds from our site.

Latest news forums rss 0.91 forums rss 2.0 forums rss atom 0.3
Latest forums messages forums rss 0.91 forums rss 2.0 forums rss atom 0.3
Latest post in Blog blog: Latest posts; rss 0.91 blog: Latest posts; rss 2.0 blog: Latest posts; rss atom 0.3
Latest 10 comments in Blog blog: Latest 10 comments; rss 0.91 blog: Latest 10 comments; rss 2.0 blog: Latest 10 comments; rss atom 0.3

Moreover, each forum topic has own feed. So you can subscribe to every topic separately. Just find RSS buttons at bottom of any topic page

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