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Collection Studio 4.76

[ последний релиз: 31 мая 2024 ]

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Блог разработчиков

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30 августа

You are also a football fan?

Posted by andrew, 30 августа 2010. Post has 0 comments.
cards football


23 августа

CS is available in Turkish language


Collection Studio bir koleksiyon hazırlama, saklama ve düzenleme programıdır. Program sayesinde hobi veya ticari amaçla elinizde bulunan madalya, bozuk para, pul, CD, DVD, poster, film, kitap, kağıt para ve buna benzer çeşitli araçları bir arada toplayıp, bunları düzenleyip yönetebilirsiniz.

Çeşitli ülkelere ait bozuk para ya da kağıt paraları kolay bir şekilde programın veritabanına girebilir ve çeşitli ayrıntılar da oluşturabilirsiniz. Aynı şekilde pul, poster, film, madalya gibi çeşitli araçları da koleksiyon içine dahil edip, bunlarla ilgili her türlü veriyi yazabilirsiniz. Kolay kullanımı sayesinde fazla zorluk çekmeden programla çalışabilir ve elinizdeki arşivi hızlı ve detaylı bir şekilde oluşturabilirsiniz.

'File/Dosya' > 'New/Yeni'ye tıkladıktan sonra gelen pencereden koleksiyon türü seçilebilir. Bir banknot (kağıt para) girmek istediğinizde paranın değeri, ülke, değişim oranı, emisyon yılı, bayrak, katalog dizini, fiyatı, katalog fiyatı, en-boy oranı, yatay-dikey oranı, seri numarası, imza sahibi, basım yeri, hammadde, bölge, barkod, kalite, resim ve özel alanlar girebilirsiniz. Aynı şekilde kitap, disk, madalya, poster, pul gibi koleksiyon amaçlı düzenlemek için çeşitli detaylı bilgiler girebilirsiniz.


  • Bozuk para, kağıt para, pul, disk, poster, film, kitap gibi çeşitli araçlardan oluşan bir koleksiyon veritabanı oluşturulabilir.
  • BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TGA, PCX, WMF, EMF gibi tüm popüler resim türlerini destekler.
  • Önceden yüklenmiş 400'ün üzerinde web bağlantısı mevcuttur. Örneğin, Türkiye seçildiğinde kağıt ve bozuk para çıkaran devlet kurumlarının internet adresleri mevcuttur. Ayrıca siz de düzenleme yapabilirsiniz.
  • Belgelerinizi parolayla koruyabilirsiniz.
  • İstatiksel grafikler halinde gösterim yapılabilir.
  • Çok dille kullanım mevcuttur.
  • Koleksiyon TXT, XML, XLS, CSV, SQL dosya türü olarak dışarı çıkartılabilir.
  • XML dosya uzantısıyla program içine dosya alınabilir.
  • İslami, İbrani, Tai, Budist, Mogol, Japon ve diğer tarihleri Gregorian (bizim de kullandığımız tarih biçimi) tarihine dönüştüren dahili tarih dönüştürücü mevcuttur.
  • Güçlü arama motoru sayesinde belli ölçülere göre arama yapabilir.
  • Barkod desteği mevcuttur.
  • Tüm ülkelerin kullandığı para birimi öğrenilebilir ve merkez bankalarına tek tuşla ulaşılabilir.
  • Görünümü HTML, RTF, TXT, XML, CSV olarak kaydedebilir.

Program kurulumdan itibaren Türkçe'dir.

Posted by andrew, 23 августа 2010. Post has 1 comments.
review turkish


19 августа

Chinese numerals

while our developers have developed a support of the new numerals conversion in online version of the Dates Calculators application - Chinese numerals, the Chinese people had fun with their banknotes:

Posted by andrew, 19 августа 2010. Post has 0 comments.
banknotes China fun


17 августа

Second economics in the World

According to statistics at the beginning of August 2010, China surpassed Japan and became the second largest economy in the world.

100 yuan = 14.75 USD

Posted by andrew, 17 августа 2010. Post has 0 comments.
banknotes China yuan


3 августа

Use of 10 Syrian pound coins in Norway

The shape of the 10 Syrian pound coin has been found to so resemble the 20 Norwegian krone coin that it can fool vending machines, coins-to-cash machines, arcade machines, and any other coin-operated, automated service machine in the country. While hardly similar to the naked eye, machines are unable to tell the coins apart due to an almost identical weight and size:

Ten Syrian pounds converts to ~1 Norwegian kroner, or about 0.20 United States dollar. 20 NOK, on the other hand, converts to 3.70 USD, almost ~18 times the value of the Syrian coin. While not easy to find in Norway, the Syrian coins are still used in automated machines there with such frequency that the Norwegian postal service decided to close many of their coins-to-cash machines on February 18, 2006, with plans to develop a system able to differentiate between the two coins.

By the way, in the summer of 2005, one Norwegian man was sentenced to 30 days, suspended, for having used Syrian coins in arcade machines in the municipality of Bærum.

Posted by andrew, 3 августа 2010. Post has 0 comments.
coin krone Norway pound Syria


30 июля

Russian CPUs Collection

Largest private collection of CPUs has been discovered upon one Russian guy has posted a message on a forum. His message says "here is my humble collection for you" and then listed something more than one thousand of different types of computer processors he collected. There are ones from the old times and as well as modern ones, the lost and seemed never coming back relics of Soviet Russian genuine processors that preceded Intel world dominance and many other interesting findings he had.

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Posted by andrew, 30 июля 2010. Post has 0 comments.
collection collector CPUs Russia Soviet Union


29 июля

Guess size of frog

Other riddles:

Posted by andrew, 29 июля 2010. Post has 3 comments.
coin riddle


23 июля

Who Says Money Doesn’t Grow on Trees?

If your parents are anything like mine, they probably told you money doesn’t grow on trees more than a million times, when you were growing up. Well I can’t wait to show them how wrong they were all those years. And I'm not about "wish tree in England"...

In an attempt to “wake up people’s lazy money”, RaboDirect, an Australian online bank sponsored a special experiment that fulfilled the financial fantasies of hundreds of passers-by – a real-life money tree. The event took place in one of Sydney’s park, where a tree was covered in $5 bills, from its lower branches to the top. People were secretly filmed, to see how they would react to such an unbelievable sight.

Believe it or not, the first 100 or so people who walked by the money tree flat out ignored it. Some of them didn’t even notice there was anything odd about the tree, a group of joggers was to busy running to stop and check it out, and passers-by who did stop to analyze it, just took some photos and left empty handed.

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Posted by andrew, 23 июля 2010. Post has 0 comments.
Australia banknotes money money tree tree


22 июля

Guess real esate price

When bill in 5000 RUR fold in half - the square of it will match the square of residence that you can buy in russian capital for 5000 rubles (near $160). :crazy:

Posted by andrew, 22 июля 2010. Post has 0 comments.
banknote riddle rouble Russia


16 июля

New indian currency symbol

On 15 July 2010, the Indian Cabinet selected a symbol for the rupee. It is an amalgamation of Devanagari "र" (Ra) and the Roman "R" without the stem. Prior to this, the most commonly used symbols for the rupee have been Rs., Re. or रू:

читать дальше...

Posted by andrew, 16 июля 2010. Post has 1 comments.
currency India rupee


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