Banknote Characteristics
A banknote (more commonly known as a bill in the United States and Canada) is a kind of currency, and under many jurisdictions is used as legal tender. With coins, banknotes make up the cash forms of all modern money. With the exception of non-circulating high-value or precious metal commemorative issues, coins are generally used for lower valued monetary units, while banknotes are used for higher values.
Supported fields
The following characteristics of banknotes are available in the Collection Studio:
- Face value (nominal)
- Country
- Currency
- Emission year (year of issue)
- "In Circulation" flag
When you select non-existent country in collectable edit dialog, automatically the "In circulation" flag is set off.
- Index
ID in your collection (catalog)
- Storage
- Krause #
Number according to Krause catalog
- External number
- Income date
- Income from
- Number of duplicates
- Price
shows the price you have paid for given paper money; If you fill this field, you will be able to look through additional statistics: average banknote price, the most expensive banknote and other.
- Catalog price
shows catalog price for given bank note; If you fill this field, you will be able to look through additional statistics: average banknote price by catalog, the most expensive banknote in your collection by catalog and other.
- Purchasing comments
- Width
- Height
- Orientation
(portrait / landscape)
- Serial number
- Signatory
- Mint
a place where banknote was made.
- Material
Predefined materials of the banknote are paper, polymer, tyvek, hybrid and 100% pure cotton fibre.
- Regional issue flag
- Region
- Barcode
Barcode data for fast access to the collectible entry using barcode reader;
- Links
unlimited number of web links;
- Images
unlimited number of images, photos or scans.
- Quality
Quality condition of the banknote according to grading standard.
- Comments
notes and comments about given banknote; See, Comments for more details about work comments.
- 5 custom fields
Additionally, you can log 5 independent characteristics for all banknote entries. To setup titles for them, open "Options" dialog.
For example you can keep the type of issue using prefix codes of the world paper money catalog:
- P: regular issues
- PS: special issues (printed by private banks or local governments)
- PM: military issue
- PR: regional issue (by a national issuing authority for regional use)
- CS: collector series (specimen set or commemorative)
- Status
Status of the collectible: in collection, loaned, lost, private, coming and etc;

Screenshot of the "Banknote Edit" window with opened "Images" tab page.
See also
- All Item Types - read about registered types of item in Collection Studio;
- Collectible Types - read all about registered fields for each collectible type in CS.