Collection Studio 4.76[ последний релиз: 31 мая 2024 ] |
Every author of a new Language File gets RegistrationThank you very much for your interest in purchasing Collection Studio, your support helps us to continue enhancing our program, and this will provide you neater software in the future. Trial versions of Collection Studio have limitations: a nag-screen and 10 days trial period. If you decide to keep Collection Studio you should register and pay the registration fee. After registration you will get:
For online registration go to
Also you can find more info on our site Registration FAQs1. I have lost the license name and/or code.or 2. I have downloaded a new version of Collection Studio, installed it, pasted registration info into the corresponding fields, but Collection Studio isn't unlocked. What should I do?Use CollectionStudio.com Contact Form (www.collectionstudio.com/contact/
You will get your license code and/or name via email as soon as we have checked your registration info. 3. I have registered Collection Studio, got the license name and code, pasted them into the fields, but I can't unlock the program.First check if you have pasted the license name and code into the corresponding fields. Then check if you have pasted the license name and code into the fields without spaces before and after the info. If it doesn't help use CollectionStudio.com Contact Form (www.collectionstudio.com/contact/ 4. I've got a @yahoo.com/@hotmail.com, etc. e-mail and I can't register Collection Studio at RegNow.Fill in the E-mail field at RegNow with the following e-mail address: info@collectionstudio.com. After you have registered at RegNow, use CollectionStudio.com Contact Form (www.collectionstudio.com/contact/
As soon as we get your registration info from RegNow we'll send it to your real (e.g. johnsmith@yahoo.com) e-mail. 5. Trial term is finished. Will I loose my data?No. "Export" tool works always even when trial term is finished.